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comision europea



Please click on the link to download the available documents of Q Bake project.

Q bake, Executive summary  
Executive summary

This document presents a description of the Project, its activities, objectives, results and the consortium that will develop QBake.
Q bake, Brochure  

Information about QBake in 4 languages (English, Greek, Romanian and Spanish). Includes a summary of the Project and relevant contact details.
Q bake, Press releases  
Q bake, coordination meeting  
Coordination Meeting 1. Valencia, February 2012

Main highlights of the 1st QBake coordination meeting, held in Valencia in February 2012.

Coordination Meeting 2. Chipping Campden, June 2012

A summary of the 2nd QBake coordination meeting, held in Chipping Campden in June 2012.

q bake project
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein